How to Start a Self-Care Routine
Many of us have heard about self-care and practicing good habits daily, but we all struggle and forget when it comes down to it. As a result, we don’t maintain our health or well-being. Every day, we juggle various tasks, from picking up the children from school to grocery shopping. Unfortunately, self-care tends to fall to the bottom of our to-do lists. Having a hot bath or going to the gym is considered a luxury activity. The time has come for you to begin thinking more about self-care and giving yourself an increase of endorphins so you can become a better version of yourself. It’s more than just a bubble bath once in a while! We can begin to feel stressed, disappointed, and overwhelmed if we don’t make time for self-care.
Feeling hostile towards people or things is a clear sign that you are burnt out. Neglecting our basic needs and care can lead to our mind and body making the wrong decisions, leading to pain. Maintaining our health is essential.
1 in 3 people struggle with self-care and feel bad about taking time for themselves.
Self-improvement can often be mistaken for self-care, but they are slightly different. Self-improvement comes from the mindset and stories we tell ourselves.
Self-care allows you to have a nurturing experience of life. It’s a proactive response that requires us to process forward and find what’s causing the pain. Then, when you accomplish something special, you feel a thousand times better afterward.
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you”
Anne Lamott
“To be a good parent,you need to take care of yourself so that you can have the physical and emotional energy to take care of your family”
Michelle Obama
Below are a few suggestions on how to start looking after your mind and body.
Begin by thinking of self-care as a good feeling. Life changes are good. Try and reset your thinking away from feeling guilty or selfish and reframe it as practicing essential things to take care of yourself. Seek joy and love.
Do what works for you and your lifestyle when creating a self-care routine. Don’t do things you hate, but try different solo activities, such as reading, yoga, walking, and listening to podcasts. New activities can bring you enjoyment.
Do small tasks throughout the day, even if it’s 5-10 minutes, such as walking around the yard, enjoying a cup of tea outside or relaxing in a chair listening to music. Remember you are worthy of five minutes. Five minutes to yourself will make a significant impact on your life. No progress can be made without small changes; some days will be easier than others. Your self-care routine won’t always be perfect.
Planning a good bedtime routine is one of the most beneficial things you can do for self-care. Having a good night’s sleep can improve mental clarity, mood and motivation. Therefore, your bedtime self-care routine should focus on winding down and sleeping. Set an alarm to signal when it’s time to start relaxing in bed. This alarm needs to be placed at the same time every day so that it’s effective. You will be able to wind down your brain by turning off electronics like TVs, laptops, and phones. Ensure that all devices are set to night shift mode. Try drinking a warm, decaffeinated drink to help you sleep. You could also take a bath, read a good book, write a journal entry, meditate, or apply essential oils to your pillows before bed. Each of these is a way to create a better tomorrow and give yourself the love it deserves.
Taking care of yourself should be a priority that you cannot reschedule. By planning and scheduling for yourself, you will find it easier to incorporate self-care.
You should aim to keep your routine simple to recharge and relax. There will be rough patches or lapses, and that’s okay. It will happen, but it’s imperative to be kind to yourself. Just remember that every day is a new beginning. Self-awareness and flexibility can really improve your self-care and understanding of what is meaningful to you.
Here are some ways to bring joy and peace into your life.
- Take a bath
- Exercise
- Journal
- Meditate
- Take a walk
- Read a book
- Plan a date night with friends
- Cook a healthy meal
- Detox from technology for 30 minutes a day
- Make a cup of tea
- Watch a movie
- Look at old photographs
Always take time to recognize yourself practicing self-care at that moment. Then, celebrate your accomplishments and strengths.Creating a routine that meets your needs will help you achieve your goals. After all, you know what works for you.
At Nurses on Demand, we can provide you with quality relief care you can rely on! Taking care of your health without fear of neglect is possible with our In-home health care service for seniors. A respite care service provides caregivers with a break, reducing stress and improving the health and well-being of both caregivers and seniors. Nurses on Demand is prepared to be your first choice for around-the-clock care. For more inquiries, reach out to our Nurses on Demand today!