3 Steps to Prevent Fall Injuries
One risk of getting older is that you’re more likely to fall. Unfortunately, you’re also more likely to suffer a serious injury as a result. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re taking all the right steps to keep yourself safe. We want to walk you through 3 important steps of fall prevention. #1 Regular Medical Checkups As you age, it’s important to have an established relationship with your doctor. Choose someone who you’re comfortable with and be consistent; you want your doctor to have a thorough understanding of your medical history. There are several things you should get …
Your Blood Pressure: 3 Things to Know
Why do you need to keep a pulse on your blood pressure? Heart disease is the “2nd leading cause of death in Canada,” but many of us don’t really understand the warning signs (read this Government of Canada article). A key to preventing heart disease is a clear understanding of blood pressure and blood pressure readings. You can prevent heart disease by understanding and controlling your blood pressure. In this article, we’ll talk about: Understanding blood pressure readings The difference between HIGH blood pressure and LOW blood pressure Leading causes of high blood pressure and what to do Systolic and …
How to Start a Self-Care Routine
Many of us have heard about self-care and practicing good habits daily, but we all struggle and forget when it comes down to it. As a result, we don’t maintain our health or well-being. Every day, we juggle various tasks, from picking up the children from school to grocery shopping. Unfortunately, self-care tends to fall to the bottom of our to-do lists. Having a hot bath or going to the gym is considered a luxury activity. The time has come for you to begin thinking more about self-care and giving yourself an increase of endorphins so you can become a …
Spring Allergies
Spring is a beautiful season full of nature when trees start to bloom and flowers bud, but it comes with its downside. The key time of the year for seasonal allergies. Millions of people start to suffer from seasonal allergies which come with sneezing, runny noses, itchy, congestion and other symptoms. Some allergy symptoms can become more fatal like a life-threatening anaphylactic shock. The most common seasonal allergy is called Hay Fever or Rhinitis, it causes cold-like symptoms but unlike a cold, hay fever isn’t caused by a virus. This allergy to hay is an allergy to the grass which …
7 Brilliant Ways to Reduce Mental Stress
Mental stress is often a result of feeling overwhelmed or out of control. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to reducing mental stress, here are a few ideas that might help: 1. Identify your stressors first step to reducing mental stress is to identify what is causing it. Once you know what your stressors are, you can start to address them. Has work been bothering you lately? Relationships? School? Ask yourself these questions, even if it involves some deep reflection 2. Make a plan When you feel overwhelmed, it can be helpful to make a plan. Breaking your tasks down …
Prehypertension? How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally
If you have prehypertension, your blood pressure is classed as “high normal” rather than worryingly high. Still, you’re at risk of developing high blood pressure and may benefit from knowing how to lessen the chances of its development. Here are some ways you can naturally lower your blood pressure and reduce the need for future medication. Consume less salt Your blood pressure can drop by roughly 6 mm Hg if you reduce sodium intake. Cut the salt you add to food and remember many processed foods already contain added salt. Read product labels to find out how much sodium they …
What to Do When Your Child Has a Fever
It can be nerve-wracking when your child’s temperature starts rising. What many parents don’t realize is that fevers are not necessarily bad. In fact, a fever is a sign that your child’s immune system is working. The increase in temperature indicates that something has breached the body’s defenses and it has recognized this and is fighting it. Fevers in Babies Babies tend to be more delicate when it comes to disease. This is particularly true in newborns. If your baby is less than three months old and has a fever over 100.3°, be sure to take him to the doctor. …
5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Mental health is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. It can be hard enough going about a typical day without the added trouble of feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. If someone is feeling overwhelmed by their mental health issues, it is important to seek professional help by visiting a doctor. Professional help is a resource that cannot be replaced, but several exercises and remedies may provide assistance with managing stress and anxiety. It is also important to talk with a doctor before performing these techniques. Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing A person can lower their levels of stress and …
The Importance of November and Men’s Health
It seems like just yesterday when men around the world committed to growing out their mustaches in support of men’s health! In actuality, Movember became a formal initiative in 2004! In the spirit of November, we want to remind our readers why the importance of men’s health is still alive and well and to shed a spotlight on the movement as a whole. Movember is an annual event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men’s suicide. Movember officially started in 2003 as …
The Low Down on High Sodium Levels
It’s official the holiday season has arrived! Well, we may be a bit early but between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, there’s definitely an increase in festivities. With an increase in social gatherings or big dinners, you may also see something else start to rise. Sodium levels! Although sodium intake is something mentioned often, most people aren’t sure exactly what it means and why they should care. Eat less salt, right? It’s actually a lot more than that. In fact, too little sodium is equally as dangerous! In this blog post, we are diving into sodium! What is Sodium? It’s one of …
What Are The Benefits Of Senior Home Care
For seniors in Edmonton, the aid of professional in-home care services can be a life-changing experience. Whether you need help with your medical needs or want to maintain a healthy lifestyle to live longer, there are many benefits for seniors who use services from professionals. The Benefits Of Senior Home Care Wondering if in-home care services for seniors are right for you or your loved one? Here are 4 benefits in-home care for seniors can provide: Injury Prevention Senior home care is beneficial for those at a higher risk for accidents because they may not take proper care of themselves …
5 Tips For a Healthy Fall 2021
Allergies, fatigue, seasonal depression; it’s a great time to start thinking ahead and prepare your body for tackling cold-weather ailments that could soon be heading our way. We’ve compiled a quick list of five key ways to stay on top of your health and wellbeing in September – many of which will guarantee a more enjoyable fall season for you and your family. Choose immunity-boosting foods — As the weather gets colder and flu season starts, it’s important for your immune system to be in tip-top shape. Now is the perfect time to boost your natural immunity and give your body …
Hydration Tips for People Who Don’t Like Water
We all know the importance of good ol’ H20! It’s vital for whole-body health, great for your skin, keeps you hydrated on hot summer days, the list goes on. Drinking water may not be the most exciting of beverages to drink, which can sometimes make it tough to stay hydrated. We’ve all grown up following — or at least trying to follow — the eight-by-eight rule, which says we should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. But, what happens if you have an aversion to water? While we do not suggest getting rid of water completely there are …
Tips for a Good Night Sleep
Here at Nurses on Demand, we understand the value of a solid night’s rest! It is imperative to the health of our patients as well as our nurses. We all have trouble sleeping from time to time, but when insomnia persists day after day, it can become a real problem. Beyond making us tired and moody, a lack of sleep can have serious effects on our health, increasing our propensity for obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Older adults need about the same amount of sleep as all adults—7 to 9 hours each night. But, older people tend to …
5 SPF Tips for Sun Safety this Summer
It’s Alberta’s favourite time of the year. Days are getting longer and the sun is shining brighter! Bring on summer. After spending months inside avoiding bone-hilling cold, it’s natural to want to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Here at Nurses on Demand, we encourage it! Not only does time in the sun boost up your Vitamin D levels it also provides a much-needed break from the indoor isolation we all feel due to the pandemic. That being said it’s important to protect yourself from harmful UV rays by staying diligent with your sunscreen. We have 5 tips to …
Allergy Season in Edmonton
Did you know that Edmonton is one of the worst Canadian cities, when it comes to allergies? The spring months typically bring the highest amount of allergens. We break down a few need-to-know facts on combatting allergy season in Alberta! What are allergies? An allergy is a chronic condition involving an abnormal reaction to an ordinarily harmless substance called an allergen. Allergens can include aeroallergens such as dust mite, mold, and tree weed and grass pollen, as well as food allergens such as milk, egg, soy, wheat, nut or fish proteins. While there’s no cure for allergies, there are a number of things you can do to …
Ensuring a Smooth Transition from Hospital to Home
You’ve been in the hospital for either a planned or unplanned visit, and now it’s time to make the transition home. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed by what you’ll need to do, and simultaneously you’re probably learning all the new things you’ll have to do for ongoing care. A hospital discharge is the process of moving a patient back into the community. Whether the patient returns home or goes to a different health-care facility, it’s important to plan ahead and make the transition as safe and smooth as possible. Patients are discharged from the hospital when they no longer …
What we LOVE About Nursing
It’s February, the month of LOVE! Whether you celebrate Valentines Day or chalk it up to being a cheesy Hallmark holiday, love is always something to celebrate. We’ve decided to compile a list of quotes and sentiments that show exactly what we love about our jobs! If you missed our staff Q&A check it out here, where each nurse breaks down what they love about their job. Let’s get started! To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Living daily with the awareness that everything you do …
Blue Monday: Beating the Winter Blues
Have you ever heard of Blue Monday? Blue Monday is widely recognized as the most depressing day of the year. Blue Monday is held on the 3rd Monday of every January, and while it’s credibility may be doubted by experts, the idea of the Winter Blues is widely accepted. January might be a little bit more difficult time for people coming off the high from Christmas plus having to go back to work and school. Post Christmas, cold weather, broken NYE resolutions all make for a pretty difficult time. We have a list of things you can do to combat …
Winter is Here! Why You Still Need Vitamin D
We are officially in the middle of an Alberta winter where the sun is only out for what seems like 4 hours a day! By now you have probably heard that most Albertans are severely lacking in Vitamin D. You may be thinking “Okay, no big deal!” Vitamin D has amazing benefits and lacking it can put you at risk to being more susceptible to colds and flus. Let’s explore what the “Sunshine” vitamin has to offer! Benefits of Vitamin D Vitamin D can support the immune system and fight inflammation Vitamin D can help battle depression Vitamin D can …
Mental Health Amid New COVID 19 Restrictions
Yesterday, November 24, Alberta announced new COVID restrictions. While the restrictions are in place to help slow the spread and get us out of this as soon as possible, they can certainly take a toll on the mind! It’s completely normal to feel worried and overwhelmed in these difficult times. You might be wondering how to best manage your stress and anxiety. Here are a few tips to support your mental health during this complicated time: Only read, watch or listen to news when you want to. That means turn off push notifications on your phone and set aside only …
A Day in the Life of a Nurse On Demand
The hustle and bustle of the winter season is amongst us, and Nurses on Demand isn’t slowing down. Between COVID 19 and the common cold, this time of year is extra busy for us. So what does an average snowy November day look like for our nurses? Here’s what our nurses have to say: “COFFEE and lots of it!” ” A lot of my time is spent in the car getting from client to client. I actually love this part because I get to tune into a podcast or audio book.” ” Work days are busy days and they all …
Helping Seniors Have the Best Post Surgery Recovery
Caring for a senior after surgery can be emotionally taxing, especially if it’s an elderly parent. The patient may be uncomfortable and may need lots of emotional support as well as help doing the simplest things. Some adult children who provide care for post-surgical patients find the role reversal to be quite a challenge. In order to set a senior up for a successful recovery, there are a few things to keep in mind. Get Plenty of Rest and Them Some More Rest is sometimes exactly what the doctor ordered. If the senior patient is planning on a longer recovery …
How Home Care Lowers Hospital Capacity
Home health care has long been a great option for people who need consistent, familiar, and reliable care. The industry has been life-changing for millions of people nationwide who rely on it to preserve a degree of independence in their lives. We often think about how Home Care can benefit the individual, but did you know it can also benefit the masses? When Covid-19 hit Edmonton another benefit of home care service revealed itself. Our hospitals, doctors, and nurses were overwhelmed and exhausted by the influx of patients. About 20% of COVID-19 cases demand hospitalization, and what’s more, most hospitalized patients …